Our Sponsors

Gratitude for Our Supporters

On behalf of the Friends of Peterson Board, our volunteers, and the community we serve, we extend our deepest thanks for your invaluable support. Your contributions, both financial and in-kind, are the cornerstone of our success in enriching Peterson. It's through your generosity that we can continue our mission and make a lasting impact.

Thank You!

to Partners and Sponsors

Gratitude for Our Supporters

On behalf of the Friends of Peterson Board, our volunteers, and the community we serve, we extend our deepest thanks for your invaluable support. Your contributions, both financial and in-kind, are the cornerstone of our success in enriching Peterson. It's through your generosity that we can continue our mission and make a lasting impact.

Gratitude for Our Supporters

On behalf of the Friends of Peterson Board, our volunteers, and the community we serve, we extend our deepest thanks for your invaluable support. Your contributions, both financial and in-kind, are the cornerstone of our success in enriching Peterson. It's through your generosity that we can continue our mission and make a lasting impact.

Contribution Levels:

This premier tier offers all opt-in benefits plus unique experiences. Sponsors will enjoy a tour and dinner with FOPMN and city leaders, fostering deep discussions on Peterson's future. Additionally, your contribution will be verbally acknowledged at all our events, with special mentions in social media shout-outs or press releases.

For sponsors opting in, the addition of a website link or a small logo. Plus, your name will be promoted in writing at our major events.

Enhanced listing for those opting in for sponsor recognition: we’ll showcase your logo on our dedicated website page.

Receive name recognition among our donors and sponsors.

Every contribution is a stepping stone to our community's enrichment. Our heartfelt thank you goes out to you!

Opt-In for Business Sponsors:

Upon contributing, sponsors are given the choice to "opt-in" for additional recognition benefits suited to their level of support. This mechanism is designed to distinguish between those who seek visibility for their business and those who simply wish to support the community without additional recognition.

Opt-In Benefits:

  • Logo placement on the dedicated page and event-related materials.
  • Option to include a clickable link to their website.
  • Special mention in social media shout-outs or press releases for higher tiers.
Ready to make a difference and become sponsor!?
See a list of our sponsors and join the roster!

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